Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Anecdotes from Nannying

Today while watching Super Why with the kids Lene, age 7, says, "You know, sometimes I think that we are smarter then they are. They ask so many questions." to me.

This made me laugh. I think they are getting too old for pre-school programming.

Do you have any similar stories?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Life is Awesome

Seriously, it really is.

This summer so far I have spent a week in Greece and two weeks in London before going home to the States. I may sound like a rich kid, but I am lucky and just have family ties in Europe.

Also, to make this year even better I am going to study abroad in Japan for a year. This September I head off to Japan. I have no idea what I am going to be expect. I am going to take the advice of a former teacher of mine and go with no expectations. That way I won't be expecting too much or too little. This is how I avoid disappointment when I travel (and I do travel a lot).

This is going to be an interesting experience. I have been to Japan before, but now I am going to live there for a year. I do not have any connections there and I can barely speak the language. Has anyone else studied abroad in Japan before? Do you have any tips?

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Greetings dear reader

Hello, my name is Marie and I am 19 years old. Despite my blog's title implying that I am from Galaxy NGC 147, I am from the Milky Way Galaxy just like you and everyone else. Sometimes I feel as if I were from a different Galaxy. That happens to everyone. The world is a weird place.

I am from cold Minnesota. I go to University. I have a dog. I collect dolls. I am into Doctor Who and Star Trek: TOS (I still haven't watched TNG which I hear is phenomenal). I spend most of my days dreaming.

This fall I am going to live out one of my dreams and I am going to head of to Tokyo, Japan for a year.

My life is pretty awesome, but I don't really take advantage of it. My goal for this year is to do so.